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In-Flight tests prove cabinBART concept
posted January 10, 2012
"The flight felt much cleaner and more hygienic with cabinBART!", "With cabinBART I had the first meal on board of a plane, which didn't feel totally cramped." and "The flight was much more comfortable, especially during the meals." are just a few reactions of the participants who took part in a first small series of in-flight tests. To prove that the cabinBART concept really works and to learn for future tests and iterations of the concept, a small series of in-flight tests were conducted. The results were very positive. Some participants even wanted to get additional copies of the cabinBART prototypes, as they don't want to miss the higher comfort on future flights. Especially positive were the reactions on the new eating situation and the improved overall hygienic conditions. The results also showed, that cabinBART draws a lot of attention and is therefore perfect to create a new and strong touchpoint for airlines.