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About the Designer

The cabinBART concept was initially part of Franz Reel's Master's Thesis "user-centered aircraft interior design - innovation meets reality". This project concluded his two years second degree course in industrial design at the TU Muenchen, with the best grade possible. His interest in aircraft interior design already started during his first degree in architecture with a focus on industrial design.
It is his conviction, that the user must be the central point of each design process. Currently aircraft interior design is the best example of a field, which needs to catch up to other fields of design regarding user-centered-design. And that is what makes it extraordinary interesting, as there exists a lot of potential for improvement.
Short Biography:
2011 - Today Freelance Designer
2009 - 2011 Second degree, Industrial Design (Graduated as M.Sc.)
2003 - 2009 First degree, Architecture, (Graduated as Dipl.-Ing.)
Born 1983 in Rosenheim, Germany
2012 Winner Universal Design Award 2012
2010 Winner Eurobike Award 2010 - Students Category
2010 Finalist Crystal Cabin Award 2010 - University Category