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Universal Design Award Roundup
posted May 01, 2012

On February 15th we received the good news. cabinBART could convince the expert jury of the universal design award and was declared one of the 2012s winners in the category mobility.
If a concept focuses on user-centered-design and bringing real improvement for users as much as cabinBART does, it's a really nice confirmation to win one of the most prestigious awards in this field. Universal design's main principles include, amongst other points, user-centered design, interdisciplinarity, social responsibility and future orientation... and that is exactly what cabinBART is all about.
During the Munich Creative Business Week, cabinBART was part of the universal design award exhibition (February 07 - 12, 2012), together with the other award contestants. This exhibition took place in the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich, during the so-called "Kreativ Dialog der Generationen" event series. On February 8th, the expert jury came together to declare the winners of the universal design award 2012. Besides the exhibition and the expert jury, the "Kreativ Dialog der Generationen" featured also some live-workshops and presentations on several topics regarding the universal design principles.